A | |
Antimajority [Rule] |
if sum_of_neighbours >= nb_neighbours then 0 else 1.
Array [Femtolib] | |
Array_simulate_2d [Femtolib] |
One dimensionnal arrays that represent two dimensionnal data.
Asynchronous [Synchronism] | |
Automaton [Rule.Shift] | |
Automaton [Rule.Ising] | |
Automaton [Rule.Rrpcs_2d] | |
Automaton [Rule.Rrcs_2d] | |
Automaton [Rule.Antimajority] | |
Automaton [Rule.Majority] | |
Automaton [Rule.Totalizing] | |
Automaton [Rule.Cyclic] | |
Automaton [Rule.Sandpile] | |
Automaton [Rule.Parallel_2eca] | |
Automaton [Rule.Eca] | |
B | |
Boolean_state [Rule.Templates] | |
C | |
Causal_states [Measure] | |
Chi_square [Measure.Statistic] |
The chi square statistical test.
Cimula |
The main module, from where the whole process is launched.
Cluster_collection [Measure.Causal_states.Clustering] |
LIFO; Can be changed to
Stack (FIFO).
Clustering [Measure.Causal_states] |
Merge probability distributions.
Colors [Femtolib] | |
Config_file [Femtolib] |
External library (part of the Cameleon project) to read and write configuration file,
included here to simplify distribution.
Cut_links [Topology.Meta] | |
Cyclic [Rule] |
Cyclic Cellular Automata
D | |
Density [Measure] | |
Density_avg [Experiment] |
Computes the average density of unsynchronized states, same paper.
Density_vs_time [Experiment] |
Prints data for a density (of unsynchronized states) vs time plot, same paper.
E | |
Eca [Rule] |
Elementary Cellular Automata
Experiment [Experiment.Density_avg] | |
Experiment [Experiment.Density_vs_time] | |
Experiment [Experiment.Synchronization] | |
Experiment [Experiment.Op_cyclic_r1t2k4box] | |
Experiment [Experiment.Lle] | |
Experiment [Experiment.Stat_cmplx] | |
Experiment [Experiment.States] | |
Experiment |
Defines how to run a Cellular Automaton, what to measure and when to measure it.
Experiment_parameters [User_interface.Text] | |
F | |
Femtolib |
Implements reusable functions which aren't in the standard lib, as needs are encountered.
Four_bodies [Rule.Ising] | |
Four_bodies_optimized [Rule.Ising] |
Can be used only on a 2D periodic topology with no holes nor missing links,
need Sphere2 Meta topology
Fresh_name [Femtolib.Misc] | |
H | |
Hexagons [Topology] | |
I | |
Initializer |
Creates the initial configuration and repartition.
Int [Femtolib.Misc.Fresh_name] | |
Integer_state [Rule.Templates] | |
Ising [Rule] |
The Ising model
L | |
Light_cones [Measure] | |
Line [Topology] |
Create 1D topologies.
Line [Initializer] |
Also used to initialize a rectangle when there are no local dependencies.
List [Femtolib] | |
Lle [Experiment] |
Computes the Local Lyapunov Exponent, see same paper.
Load_Experiment [Cimula] | |
Load_Meta_Topology [Cimula] | |
Load_Rule [Cimula] | |
Load_Synchronism [Cimula] | |
Load_Topology [Cimula] | |
M | |
Main [Cimula] |
Launches the provided Experiment
Majority [Rule] |
if sum_of_neighbours > nb_neighbours then 1 else 0.
Measure |
Helper functions for the module Experiment.
Meta [Topology] |
Modifies a given topology.
Meta_topo_parameters [User_interface.Text] | |
Misc [Femtolib] | |
O | |
Op_cyclic_r1t2k4box [Experiment] |
Computes the order parameter and derives the free energy, see same paper.
P | |
Parallel_2eca [Rule] |
Runs two ECA in parallel: each cell contains two states.
Parse [Femtolib.Config_file.Raw] | |
Periodic [Initializer.Line] | |
Pervasives [Femtolib] | |
R | |
Random2 [Femtolib] | |
Raw [Femtolib.Config_file] | |
Rectangle [Topology] |
Create 2D topologies.
Rrcs_2d [Rule] |
2D rules that are Rotation Reflexion and Conjugate Symmetric,
with range one diamond neighboorhoud.
Rrpcs_2d [Rule] |
"p" for "pseudo conjugate",
a slight (buggy) variation (conjugating only the center cell) of rrcs2d
Rule |
Definition of the cellular automata
Rule_parameters [User_interface.Text] | |
S | |
Sandpile [Rule] |
The Bak, Tang and Wiesenfeld sandpile model.
Sequential [Synchronism] | |
Shift [Rule] | |
Shuffle_neighbours [Topology.Meta] | |
Sphere_radius_2 [Topology.Meta] | |
Stat_cmplx [Experiment] |
Computes the statistical complexity,
as defined in
Cosma Shalizi, Rob Haslinger, Jean-Baptiste Rouquier, Kristina Lisa Klinkner and Cristopher Moore,
"Automatic Filters for the Detection of Coherent Structure in Spatiotemporal Systems",
nlin.CG/0508001, Physical Review E.
States [Experiment] |
Simulates and draw the states of a CA.
Statistic [Measure] |
Statistic functions, as needs are encountered.
Synchronism |
The way the transition rule is applied, see
Types.Synchronism.next_step .
Synchronization [Experiment] |
Computes the time needed to synchronize two eca, corresponding paper accepted.
Synchronous [Synchronism] | |
T | |
Templates [Rule] |
Factorization of code for Cellular Automata with usual types.
Text [User_interface] | |
Topo [Topology.Hexagons] | |
Topo [Topology.Rectangle] | |
Topo [Topology.Line] | |
Topo_parameters1d [User_interface.Text] | |
Topo_parameters2d [User_interface.Text] | |
Topology |
Create the neighbourhoods according to different topologies.
Topology_parameters [User_interface.Text] | |
Totalizing [Rule] |
Totalizing rules, ie rules that depends only on the sum of the states of theirs neighbours
(includes the famous Conway's game of life, majority).
Types |
Data types used everywhere in the code.
U | |
Unit [Cimula] | |
User_interface |
Self explaining.