Module Experiment.Op_cyclic_r1t2k4box

module Op_cyclic_r1t2k4box: sig .. end
Computes the order parameter and derives the free energy, see same paper. "op" stands for "Order Parameter". "r1t2k4box" stands for range 1, threshold 2, k=4 states, box neighbourhood, ie the parameters used in the paper. It works only for cyclic CA with those parameters and periodic boundary conditions: check the configuration file or command line options!

val min_no_nan : float -> float -> float
val max_no_nan : float -> float -> float
val mean_no_nan : float array -> float
Mean of the floats in the array, ignoring the nan ones.
val mod_squared_distance : float -> float -> float -> float
mod_squared_distance modulus x y is (x - y)2, considering x and y on a ring of length modulus. Typical usage is with modulus = 2pi.
Assumes x and y lie between 0. and modulus
val g : int -> int -> int
See the paper.
val pi : float
module Experiment: 
functor (Topo : Types.Topology) ->
functor (Synchro : Types.Synchronism) ->
functor (Auto : Types.Rule) -> sig .. end