Module Initializer.Line

module Line: sig .. end
Also used to initialize a rectangle when there are no local dependencies.

val bernouilli : Random.State.t -> int -> float -> bool array
bernouilli prng length density
val bernouilli_parallel : Random.State.t -> int -> float * float -> (bool * bool) array
2 independent bernouilli in parallel
val uniform_ints : Random.State.t -> int -> int -> int -> int array
uniform_ints prng length min max returns an array filled with random numbers between min and max (inclusive), with uniform probabilities.
val specified_ints : Random.State.t -> float array -> int array
specified_ints prng probabilities returns an array filled with random numbers between 0 (inclusive) and Array.length probabilities (exclusive), with probabilities specified by probabilities. If the sum of the probabilities isn't 1., the "probabilities" are normalized to get this (without modifying probabilities).

Could be optimized for big probabilities arrays.

module Periodic: sig .. end