module Ising: sig
.. end
The Ising model
val metropolis : Random.State.t -> float -> bool
See source code
val barker : float -> float
See source code
val transition_rule : float -> Random.State.t -> int array array -> bool array -> int -> bool
val transition_rule_4bodies : float -> Random.State.t -> int array array -> bool array -> int -> bool
val transition_rule_4bodies_optimized : float -> Random.State.t -> int array array -> bool array -> int -> bool
Can be used only on a 2D periodic topology with no holes nor missing links,
need Sphere2 Meta topology
module type Parameters = sig
.. end
module Automaton:
module Four_bodies:
module Four_bodies_optimized:
Can be used only on a 2D periodic topology with no holes nor missing links,
need Sphere2 Meta topology