Functor Experiment.Lle.Experiment

module Experiment: 
functor (Topo : Types.Topology) ->
functor (Synchro : Types.Synchronism) ->
functor (Auto : Types.Rule) -> sig .. end
Topo : Types.Topology
Synchro : Types.Synchronism
Auto : Types.Rule

val neighbourhoods : int array array
val length : int
val depth : int
val tr : Auto.configuration -> int -> Auto.state
val configurations : Auto.configuration array
Stores the $f$ configurations needed to compute the LLE. Modified when perturbing the neighborhoud of a cell and computing the perturbed evolution.
val backup_configurations : Auto.state array array
To restore configurations after each perturbation.
val discard_cell : int -> bool
Same as Experiment.Stat_cmplx.Experiment.discard_cell.
val light_cones : Measure.Light_cones.lc_index array
val restore_configurations : int array array -> unit
restore_configurations light_cone copies the states of backup_configurations into configurations, for the cells given after perturbation_range +1 in light_cone. (As if we use a light "truncated cone"). Thus it doesn't restore the current configuration configurations.(0) and restores configurations.(1).
val draw_cmplx : (float -> Graphics.color) -> float array -> int -> unit
val complexities : float array
LLE for each cell.
val do_next_step : unit -> unit
val at_first_measurement : unit -> unit
val at_last_measurement : unit -> unit
val treat_differences : int array array -> float
Counts the area of the difference plume for one perturbation (see the paper).
val perturbed_next_step : int -> int array -> unit
perturbed_next_step current_depth cells Computes the next step for the cells cells in the configuration configurations.(current_depth). Used to compute the local evolution after a local perturbation.
val normalizer : float
Computes the max possible complexity.
val lle : int -> float
Computes the LLE for one cell.
val do_measurement : time:'a -> (int -> unit) * (int -> unit)