let gamma_0_x =
let nb_iterations_max = 1000 in
let relative_accuracy = 1.e-7 in
fun a x ->
assert (x >= 0.);
let a_plus_n = ref a in
let coeff = ref (1. /. a) in
let sum = ref !coeff in
for i=1 to nb_iterations_max do
a_plus_n := !a_plus_n +. 1.;
coeff := !coeff *. x /. !a_plus_n;
sum := !sum +. !coeff;
if !coeff < !sum *. relative_accuracy then raise Converged;
failwith (Printf.sprintf "gamma_0_x. Parameters: a=%f x=%f" a x);
with Converged -> !sum *. exp (-.x +. a *. log x -. log_gamma a)